Vermont boasts wide open space, fresh air, gorgeous views and more. The perfect destination for a road trip with so much to see and do for all types of travelers. Choose your ideal travel style & let The Essex Resort's guest specialists help guide you to unique “Vermont-ing” Experiences perfect just for you.


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How do you Vermont?

Vermont boasts wide open space, fresh air, gorgeous views and more. The perfect destination for a road trip with so much to see and do for all types of travelers. Choose your ideal travel style & let The Essex Resort's guest specialists help guide you to unique “Vermont-ing” Experiences perfect just for you.

Find your personalized travel itinerary curated by The Essex team, whether you're an adventurer, naturalist, foodie, or more.
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Choose Your Travel Style

The Adventurer

Adrenaline is your love language. You seek thrills, excitement & often blaze your own trail. For you, nothing beats exploring a new destination by way of its rugged trails, choppy bodies of water, or from a few thousand feet up.

Cool off on a kayak or paddleboard, explore mountains on foot or by bike, or take your feet off the ground ziplining or hot air ballooning.

The Naturalist

Nature speaks to you. You find connection in sunlight filtering through trees and wind rustling grasses and ground cover. The more into nature you go, the more alive you feel.

Your trips are all about getting close to nature, and a getaway to Burlington will be no different. Hike under stars unspoiled by city lights, take a dip in a remote swimming hole or enjoy the view lakeside, from a mountain top or the base of a waterfall.

The Foodie

You explore the world through sight, smell & taste. When planning a vacation, you're crafting itineraries using top 10 lists of cafes, bakeries, restaurants, and more. Your Instagram feed is full of unique and delicious dishes from your favorite destinations.

While in Burlington, take a peek behind the scenes of the cuisine you love. Enjoy hands-on Cook Academy classes guided by our professional chefs, explore farmers markets, dine at authentic French Bistros, and even dig into farm-to-table cuisine.

The Spiritualist

You seek the best balance for both the mind & body. When you take time away from the day-to-day, you look to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Upon your return home, you hope to feel centered.

Burlington is the perfect place to connect with nature. Here, you can breathe the fresh mountain air, ground yourself with outdoor yoga classes, and find peace in a variety of massage and other spa treatments.


You look for and create art and style in all that you do. Immersing yourself in the culture of a new destination is your priority number one. Museums, galleries, and even street art bring your senses to life.

When you travel, you seek inspiration in the art of a new culture or region Burlington is teeming with culture when you know where to look. Visit a comedy club, plan an evening to the theater, and even discover emerging artists in contemporary galleries.

The Hops Lover

You love the taste, smells, and process of brewing craft beer. You know your malts from your hops, your ales from your lagers, and you love pitting the craft beer of your vacation destination against your at-home favorites.

But you also love how social craft beer can be. After a long day of exploring, you believe that there's nothing better than sitting in a cozy tap room, drinking a seasonal brew with close friends. For you, nothing beats experiencing a city through its beer scene.